Sunday, October 11, 2009

Welcome to my first ever blog !!! A few people have told me to start a blog cos they seem to find my stories interesting, although you probably won't. Well here it goes.....
About me.... Born and breed in Dublin's fair city where the girls are so pretty - well that's how the song goes anyway! I'm a rock chick meaning I like rock music; U2 just rock along with Snow Patrol.
Possibly a bit of a geek chick too though, setting up logical drives for asm in a data guard environment gives me the work thrill, ya I know a bit sad but still.

Love movies although I can't watch horrors or chillers - waste of money really as I spend all the time hiding behind pillows, I may aswel bring a nail file with me and dust of those nails and its always a good time to catch up on all those texts:) Fav movie ever has to be Shawshank Redemption - "Fear can hold you prisoner, hope will set you free"! I mean that quote just says it all really.
I think every one has to have a hero don't they? Well I my hero just has to be DeValera, the best politician to walk this earth, completely misunderstood. The man was a sheer genius really, he was a mathematician which explains his logical mind. Ireland wouldnt be where we are today without that man. So that goes to show I'm a bit of a history buff too. Quite frankly the way I see it, you cannot understand your present or future without understanding your past.
If I'm allowed have a fictional character as a hero: that would have to be Quincy - best TV show ever, he was a medical examiner that went above and beyond the call of duty for what was right. I like people that fight for what they believe in, too many of us are arm chair pundits... I'm a bit guilty of that too but recently I did get up of my ass to fight against the Lisbon Treaty. Biggest mistake Ireland did was letting it in, whats the point of Robert Emmet, Wolftone, DeValera and Collins and the rest of our ancestors all fighting for Irish independence if were gonna give it away. As George V once said, Englands biggest mistake was not giving Gladstone his Home Rule bill. Well looks like old George may finally get his wish... Essentially democracy as we know it will be gone.... A bit like Romantic Ireland!

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