Friday, November 27, 2009

Drinking and The City

Friday nights is just one of those nights that everyone decides to let loose and hit the town mainly because you have Saturday to die eats loads of grease and swear blind you will never touch a morsel of alcohol again! Well until the following week anyway except in my case and its 3 days! Yep memory like a fish I have…
And Sunday is then used to humanise and introduce your self back to the world!
I think it all goes part and part of the parcel when you reach a certain age your ability to soak up alcohol, get to bed at 4am and get up at 7am to head to work and start all over again becomes a distance memory bordering on myth!!

Last Friday was no exception to the rule: Monsoon conditions and wild horses could not dampen our spirits and off we swam to the pub. Yep swam I think is a more apt verb given the weather conditions that we had to endure to get to there. Needless to say the first half hour in the pub was spent in the ladies drying off. The only problem was the hand dryer just did not provide enough heat and being at an awkward position I couldn't’t dry myself. Ah well the top just had to come off – better positioning under the dryer you see. While drying my top, some woman came in – what strange looks I got, but really at that stage I was soaked so I couldn't’t care less. On my walk down the ‘Red Mile’ – After walking down the whole length of the pub to where my group was at the front I managed to fall splat on my generous dexterity! Oh how they laughed and I just dived for cover under a bottle of Corona – maybe that would have been a better time to opt for pints bit wider to cover my ever increasing red face!! Still no luck on the drying front, I had no choice but to pay another visit to the ‘Ladies’ this time gripping on to every single railing (one can’t be too careful you know). This time the socks came off so while I was standing awkwardly in my boots drying my socks in walks the woman again – this time it wasn’t quite strange looks but more so look of fear!!! Needless to say the woman made a quick exit probably not drinking again for the rest of the night for fear of a trip to the loo to find me drying something else!!!

To pub number 2 we went about 15 minutes walk away but rather than wasting all my valuable effort drying off (wasn’t laziness I promise) we hoped in a Taxi detouring to pick up my friend – who incidentally went down a treat with the lads doesn’t exactly help your confidence! While in pub 2 we didn’t bother taking down our umbrellas due to the very large leak that was coming in the ceiling. Pub 2 proved to be somewhat wet – literally so pub no 3 was visited.

We deposited ourselves there for the evening. This was a good spot until people vanished seriously I thought I was in some Bermuda triangle. I was left with the 3 stooges in the end. Moe had decided in pub number 2 that he had to go home before the Mrs gave him a hard time. But when I arrived into pub 3 Moe was still happily drinking away propped up in the corner. At this stage the guilt or the fear got the better of him so he was insistent on getting a taxi home the 40 odd miles away. Curly and I had to persuade him to relax the cacks and get the nitelink. This was having no effect on the well inebriated Moe so in the end he put me on the phone to the Mrs. Normally it wouldn’t really work whereby a woman rings up another man’s Mrs and asks her if he can stay out? Off course I was very charming and coherent which managed to convince Mrs Moe! My friend was amazed at how easy I can lie for other people but when it comes to myself I fail miserably!
Moe decided to celebrate his new drinking pass by knocking back pint glasses of vodka!
As I was the one that managed to convince Mrs Moe, Curly and Larry decided that I was responsible for getting him home.
Oh in the midst of all this, I managed to loose my coat, after wrangle through all the coats nearly getting myself knocked out because people thought I was robbing them! Finally emerging all flustered later I did the inevitable stupid drunken thing of calling Mr Bad. Not a very ground breaking conversation just resulted in a hangover pizza next day and that was that!!!

So off I drag Moe to his Nitelink – that in itself is a story. “Off to the Royal County” he was shouting down the road – I think the ‘rebel county’ would have been more apt attracting the attention of the police man! OK so between me on one side and the wall the other side, shoved a cig in his gob – nearest thing I could find to a muzzle we managed to walk past the police man. But how and ever when the cig finished all he could do was demand that he needed a pee – “NO” I said after all we were keeping to a very tight schedule of catching a nitelink so Mrs Moe wouldn’t skin him or me alive!

While we were waiting for the traffic light to go green in a crowded bunch – Moe suddenly had a sneezing attack – after every “aaaa cheeeeeeeeewwwwww” he piped “Swine Flu”, every one turned – with that another “aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhcccccccccccccccccchhhhhhheeeeeeeeewwwwww – Swine Flu take it or leave it”. I’ll leave it thanks, think rest of the people decided to take their chances with the traffic and run!!
Oh I laughed, understanding what it was like for Moe bursting to go to the loo. Eventually we made it to the Bus Stop only to spend another 10 minutes looking for him while he got on the wrong bus then decide he needed to buy a bottle of water only to pour the water out as soon as he got it. What the hell? Eventually I understood – when he asked for a pen knife.. Don’t even think about it!
The bus journey was none the less eventful – with a guy crowing away loudly with ear phones on. “Shut up Jedward” he shouted, great now were gonna get our heads kicked in!
Once we got off the bus I did my job time for me to face the long trek home….

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My views on Men

Men can be categorized into the following headings: The Good, The Bad, The OhSoHot and in keeping with little miss bopeep... The Sheep!

The Good are the reliable type that like you, they have a nice reliable job and want what most women of certain age want: to settle down with the 2.4 kids, white picket fence and the big family car in the driveway. Ever so sweet and kind, and above all faithful! Well that's what were led to believe anyway. But Mr Nice can only be nice for so long and then inevitably that all falls by the way side when they get attention from the opposite sex and in keeping with their animal pride instincts fall for it....

The Bad, are those guys that are completely commitment phobic, I mean why would they commit to one girl when they have about 5 on the go?? I'm being generous with the 5! But every girl wants to go for the bit of bad, the thrill of it, secret rendezvous and no matter who they are, they want to think they were responsible for taming Mr Bad!! I'd call those girls idealists, but lets face it if you were the one in a zillion that actually managed to tame Mr Bad you'd probably get bored cos what attracted you in the first place has kind of gone and hence the vicious circle begins. The Bad by nature only keep your attention for a short period of time, then its time to move on... But they're not all bad, sometimes if you look around hard enough (not that I'm advocating looking for Mr Bad), Mr Bad can actually surprise you while Mr Nice turns out not to be so good!

The OhSoHot, now these are my favourite kind for the moment anyway. Thrilling, sexy, gorgeous and down right nice... they're just so yummy! Kinda guys that you want more off and more or less consume your every fantasy. Hmmm nice...

Now for the ever faithful: The Sheep, like dogs they are loyal, hang on your every word and get all excited when they see you: big eyes, tongue sticking out and the tail wagging happily. Ah bless.. But they are a nice breed, just the problem with The Sheep is they take it all to heart and when you smile at them and talk to them for about 5 minutes they automatically think that your in to them and they lap it up!!

Now this is my problem, why can't a girl be friendly without it being misconstrued? Cos that's what it is: being friendly, now if she wanted you she'd FLIRT - amazing differences ya know.
Are all sheep that vain? that when a girl chats to them, like maybe they need to as your doing them a service: like fitting blinds, servicing your car or maybe fitting your carpet, the sheep's pride take over. More often or not, it looks like your doing them a service by flattering their male ego rather than them doing you one!

Ah but there is another type of guy that is guaranteed to set your heart a racing:) That is the man in uniform. I blame Richard Gere for that in "An Officer and a gentleman" - well I think 99% of the female population just melted with that movie and want their own hero to come and carry them off into the sunset.. My heart is just a fluttering even writing this!

I spent my day surrounded by firemen - no don't worry there was no fire. From the moment I pulled into the Dublin Fire Training Center, my smile was a mile wide - 8 guys (sorry Fire Men) jogged past me.. now it could've been the canteen's porridge beckoning them, but either way it just started my day off with a high.
Although in fairness how is a girl meant to concentrate on her Advanced driving course when she is surrounded by men in uniform with the big red fire engines putting out fires with their hoses? Exactly! Didn't manage to dampen my fire. Have to be honest though, with all those men in uniform it didn't matter who they were, but all that macho testosterone, it was enough! So yea I narrowed my husband down to about 2or so dozen...

But the training was really good the parts I was able to focus on. But on a serious note, it certainly woke me up with a jolt! Some startling statistics: It only takes a moment's distraction like checking a text message to take some one's life. Around 99% or our driving time is on Auto pilot. We really don't take in the information were surrounded with. Big thank you to all the guys and gals at Dublin Fire Training center for all their hard work. Especially to Dave for passing me :)

Welcome to my first ever blog !!! A few people have told me to start a blog cos they seem to find my stories interesting, although you probably won't. Well here it goes.....
About me.... Born and breed in Dublin's fair city where the girls are so pretty - well that's how the song goes anyway! I'm a rock chick meaning I like rock music; U2 just rock along with Snow Patrol.
Possibly a bit of a geek chick too though, setting up logical drives for asm in a data guard environment gives me the work thrill, ya I know a bit sad but still.

Love movies although I can't watch horrors or chillers - waste of money really as I spend all the time hiding behind pillows, I may aswel bring a nail file with me and dust of those nails and its always a good time to catch up on all those texts:) Fav movie ever has to be Shawshank Redemption - "Fear can hold you prisoner, hope will set you free"! I mean that quote just says it all really.
I think every one has to have a hero don't they? Well I my hero just has to be DeValera, the best politician to walk this earth, completely misunderstood. The man was a sheer genius really, he was a mathematician which explains his logical mind. Ireland wouldnt be where we are today without that man. So that goes to show I'm a bit of a history buff too. Quite frankly the way I see it, you cannot understand your present or future without understanding your past.
If I'm allowed have a fictional character as a hero: that would have to be Quincy - best TV show ever, he was a medical examiner that went above and beyond the call of duty for what was right. I like people that fight for what they believe in, too many of us are arm chair pundits... I'm a bit guilty of that too but recently I did get up of my ass to fight against the Lisbon Treaty. Biggest mistake Ireland did was letting it in, whats the point of Robert Emmet, Wolftone, DeValera and Collins and the rest of our ancestors all fighting for Irish independence if were gonna give it away. As George V once said, Englands biggest mistake was not giving Gladstone his Home Rule bill. Well looks like old George may finally get his wish... Essentially democracy as we know it will be gone.... A bit like Romantic Ireland!